General Meeting

The highest decision-making body is the General Meeting (GM), at which all shareholders are entitled to participate. The GM is entitled to make decisions on all matters that are not in breach of Swedish law. At the GM the shareholders exercise their voting rights to make decisions on the composition of the Board of Directors, the auditors and other important matters such as adoption of the company’s balance sheet and income statement, appropriation of profits as well as deciding to grant the Board of Directors and the Managing Director discharge from liability. This is in accordance with New Wave Group’s articles of association and Swedish legislation.

Annual General Meeting 2024

The 2024 AGM was held at Kosta Boda Art Hotel, Stora Vägen 75, 365 43 Kosta, Sweden on 16 May at 1 pm.


Annual General Meeting 2023

The 2023 AGM was held at Kosta Boda Art Hotel, Stora Vägen 75, 365 43 Kosta, Sweden on 16 May at 1 pm.


Annual General Meeting 2022

The 2022 AGM was held on 18 May.

Extraordinary General Meeting 2021

The extraordinary meeting was held on 3 December 2021.

Annual General Meeting 2021

The 2021 AGM was held on 19 May.

Annual General Meeting 2020

The 2020 AGM was held on 25 June.

Annual General Meeting 2019

The 2019 AGM was held at Kosta Boda Art Hotel, Stora Vägen 75, 365 43 Kosta, Sweden 17 May 2019 at 1 pm.

Annual General Meeting 2018

The 2018 AGM was held at Kosta Glascenter, Stora Vägen 96, 360 52 Kosta, Sweden 16 May 2018 at 1 pm.

Annual General Meeting 2017

The 2017 AGM was held at Kosta Boda Art Hotel, Stora Vägen 75, 360 52 Kosta, Sweden 10 May 2017 at 1 pm.

Annual General Meeting 2016

The 2016 AGM was held at Kosta Boda Art Hotel, Stora Vägen 75, 360 52 Kosta, Sweden 11 May 2016 at 1 pm.

Annual General Meeting 2015

The 2015 AGM was held at Kosta Glascenter, Stora Vägen 98, 360 52 Kosta, Sweden 4 May 2015 at 1 pm.

Annual General Meeting 2014

The 2014 AGM was held at Kosta Glascenter, Stora Vägen 98, 360 52 Kosta, Sweden 6 May 2014 at 1 pm.

Annual General Meeting 2013

The 2013 AGM were held at Kosta Boda Art Hotel in Kosta, Sweden 7 May 2013 at 1 pm.